May 4Liked by Jenni Baden Howard

This is so great! I’ve been looking for these exact type of recommendations for my hair. Thank you! 💖

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Oh Sandra, that makes me SO happy to hear! 🎉 (And me, too!!) Thank you so much for reading, and letting me know - that means so much. Have a great weekend! 💗

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May 4Liked by Jenni Baden Howard

Great interview! Some fab tips here Jen and I shall be doing a bit of hair product shopping this weekend now! 🩷

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So glad you enjoyed, and let me know what you try, if you do - I love the balm best of all, but I haven't tried the volumising shampoo and conditioner - I'm going to do a post soon on products across all price ranges, and I'd love to know your picks and favourites. I'm also going to link to a few other posts and product reccs for menopause-related hair issues, just yesterday, Bobbi Brown wrote about treatments she's tried at her Substack. It's a bit of a hot topic at the moment! Also, Sam has got me thinking about a dryer hood attachment - had one years ago!! Happy experimenting, and Bank Hol weekend 🌞 - looking forward to catching up on my reading, and your latest!! 🙌🩷

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May 4Liked by Jenni Baden Howard

Ooh I would love to hear more tips for menopause related hair tips 💖🤗

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May 4Liked by Jenni Baden Howard

Looks an amazing range…not seen before! Xxx

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It's been out for a while now, but this is the first time I'd tried the products - it's super-popular, but not in supermarkets or chemists/drugstores. I LOVE the balm. I'm planning a post with shampoos, styling prods and more that address volume and damage, across all price ranges - this definitely falls into the luxe category - very soon! 🩷

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May 3Liked by Jenni Baden Howard

Fabulous tips here thanks Jen and hark at you with all the fabulous celebrity names! 🤗 Love the hairstyles Sam creates and oh my goodness I so want those pastel coloured products in my bathroom. As you know I have a scent allergy - I wonder what Sam would suggest for that one shampoo wise for struggling mid life hair!? Maybe the Parma Violet scent is natural? But seriously Parma Violets were my mum and my favourites when I was a little girl. That smell still takes me right back.

I always struggle with volume, my hair is straight and heavy as you know, so I am so going to try the Aquis Hair Turban, what a genius idea. The velcro curlers are a game changer, my hairdresser suggested I pop them in before breakfast and then pull them out after and they really help shape my hair. Time is an issue as you can imagine, but I'm trying to keep it up. Little grandson thinks they're fabulous - but of course had to try them on his own already super curly locks! Thanks for the great hacks 💖💖💖 xx

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Thank you so much, Fiona - Sam is always full of brilliant tips! 🙌 Scent-wise, that's a REALLY good point, and of course, so many people will be affected by scent allergies (or just not be fans of strongly scented products. These scents are super-subtle, fresh, clean-smelling and lovely, but definitely there). I'm definitely going to do something on this now you've mentioned it, on fragranced products across the board - thank you so much for mentioning it. The Aquis turban has been my game changer, and I've used it for yonks and always go back to - it keeps my curls from frizzing, hair dries faster (whether blow-dried, or left to dry naturally) and de-tangles more easily. I've tried lots of others, but always come back to this one - definitely an investment, but washes and tumbles etc. etc. (so, practical!). Great to hear about the Velcro's, such a good hack. And re: Parma Violets - that's so lovely! Weirdly, I never was a fan of them as a child (the last thing I'd go for in the pick n mix!) but I've always loved the smell and love them now! 💜 XO

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